Friday, December 31, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scanned Notes : 12/14 - 12/15

These notes were from 12/13 for trading on 12/14.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Scanned Notes for 12/6

Fell asleep while looking at IBD100 charts, so these notes will be added to later. However, for your convenience I'll post what I've got now.

Scanned Notes : Covering 12/2-12/4

More to come, but here are some notes from the back half of last week. Index buy points active now, so BE READY!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Scanned Notes : 12/1

Energy stocks are showing strength with many offering fresh set ups such as APA.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Scanned Notes : 11/23

Little late on these as they include focus stocks going into 11/23, but also includes notes for 11/24 and beyond.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Scanned Notes 11/22/10

Coal stocks have been breaking out, and they could continue to offer gains to those who buy correctly. Many levels of support / resistance can be found in my notes. IBD 100 stocks constitute the remainder of the notes. This is typical of my notes after a weekend break.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Feature : Scanned Notes

I went through IBD's Stocks On The Move screen and made some simple notes for potential buy points.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shared Items Section : Look To The Right >>>>

Anyone following this blog by it's posts only is missing what I think is one of the most valuable assets that is part of site. The shared items section that appears on the right hand column of this blog is a way for you to take advantage of my skimming and reading of the headlines out there. As you can see below I track a lot of financial/ trading sites. While I do this primarily for myself; the Google reader does allow for me to simply click the shared items button when something I read is deemed actionable/ worthy of attention by myself. This then goes instantly into the shared items on the right. So while I spend hours reading over all this stuff you can take advantage of this by simply checking the shared items section of this blog daily. The atom feed associated with the shared items section can also be added to your rss feeds for simplicity and efficiency.

From your 130 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 19,032 items, clicked 294 items, starred 4 items, shared 75 items, and emailed 0 items.
Since November 1, 2009 you have read a total of 300,000+ items.

I am also active on Twitter which is also linked on the right hand side of this blog as well. While I don't tweet everyday the frequency of tweets to blog posts is astronomically higher in 2010. The reason for this : Efficiency. I spend my days trading and all of my real time market commentary takes place in the chat room at under the moniker "Spm." By the time the trading day is over I'm pouring over charts, talking with other traders real time, reading my rss feeds (to which the shared items are generated from), and reading Investor's Business Daily while going over more charts. By the time this is all done I don't have time to play the role of a journalist. Regardless of that there is still some worthy information to be had within the halls of the TCM, LLC blog.

So for those that think the TCM, LLC blog has been idle this year due to no new posts, you had better look again. Wishing all of you text book chart pattern set ups, ideal buy points, and surging volume!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Where You Want To Be : PTJ Theory to Trading

Using proper buy points confirmed with price and surging volume is the only way to be when buying stocks long. However, when buy points fail and are then confirmed with selling volume; stops are deployed instantly. The absolute greatest traders understand that, and that is why they consistently win overtime. Paul Tudor Jones II is one of those great traders, and a native Memphian as well. His elusive Trader video has been watched by myself more than is required. It's a very inspiring video for a guy like me that has to take the same decisive actions and do them quickly on a daily basis. Inter personally it resonates with me even more because his age in the video is my current age. There should be no analog to that I don't think! (Inside joke if you've seen Trader.) Anyway, I've plucked the pearls of wisdom and put them into my notes as the PTJ Theory. And here it is :

Where You Want To Be:

  1. Always in Control

  2. Never Wishing

  3. Always Trading

  4. And always, first and foremost, protecting your ass!

Focus on the money/capital. It's always at risk in any single investment. 90% of your time spent on that is key. As was said in his Market Wizards interview, "Don't focus on making money; focus on protecting what you have."

Also, it's gotta hurt when you lose. If it doesn't there's a disconnect between you and the capital. And likewise one must have a quiet confidence about themselves when winning. The only reassurance that is ever needed lies within our P&L line. Thinking about that and all your positions relative to the previous session's close forces you to stay in the NOW. In turn this keeps you in control. Staying humble and very focused on current price action/ chart patterns with the appropriate buy (buy stop)/sell (sell stop) rules in place can only lead one closer to market success.

Quotes from the movie : "Quote me, quote me, quote me!!! What's the market!??! Second to that is, "And tell him do not $&%* around I want to buy 'em! 85-90? Offer 90 for 3000 FILL or KILL!!!" There's also a turkey that thinks he's a dog. That in and of itself is classic. However, one can't forget about the mystical powers of the charity auction purchased Bruce Willis white high top Reebok's; that are good for generating a market bounce of 30 dow points! When worn properly of course!

Fill or Kill!!!