"This country is so strong and has got so much freedom that there are entrepreneurs, and they are out there, and they don't go away no matter who's in Washington. So Washington can screw it up, and the market will go up anyway because you've got AAPLs all over the place. There's probably 20 to 30 of them that have got a unique product that's really selling and making money." - William J. O'neil 2/18/2011 interview with Steve Crowley on American Scene. Interview can be found at www.investors.com in the IBDtv section under the tab for William O'neil interviews.
And the picture below is of me in 5th grade hitting a home run in my patriotic Red, White, and Blue colors! There's an analogy to be made with the market and staying focused as it relates to the knuckle heads playing in the dirt on the losing team seen in the back ground (people focused on the noise,) and the player laser focused at the plate waiting on the fat pitch (staying focused on the charts.)
Just stay on your toes and ALWAYS BE READY!