Recognizing that some of the best ideas have been scribbled out on the back of cocktail napkins, I had another "ah ha" moment this weekend. I like many continual thinkers are always having ideas to which we process, write down, and then being our nature move on to the next thought. Sometimes moving on to the next thought or idea can be a tremendous opportunity cost to us as the winning idea was conceptualized already. It was just simply not put into action.
Also, for me the bulk of the time the problem is that I am only one man (monkey depending on which site you are reading!) And the amount of ideas that I generate through my reading / market observations I simply can not implement them all and manage them properly. Wanting to convey these ideas to others in the most intelligent manner sometimes prohibits me from writing detailed commentary, because I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to delivery, thus the task consumes more time than a free task should.
Well no more. I operate off my notes and so can you. Bullet points on any and everything that my eyes come across. If you know me personally you've seen the pen and paper in action. Now it's time to transfer my synthesized bullet points off the private notepads and into the public domain. Raw and uncut. Sounds intriguing, doesn't it?
Without further ado I give you : TCM Notes.
** Headers will read TCM Notes with that day's date.