Sunday, September 25, 2011

Laird Hamilton's Knowledge Of Big Wave Riding Transcends Over To Trading Market LEADERS

I posted these videos on the Twitter stream last September when I saw them. What Laird says just resonates with me as a trader. You have to always be ready for the big opportunity. That means you must always be in a strong position in order to take advantage of these opportunities when they present themselves. A moment's notice is all you will get, because you have to be in the moment in order to catch the notice. In our case that is the price action, volume, and pattern on our charts. When the wave of money starts pushing hard one way we want to take full advantage of that directional flow. Another thing we must do is prepare ourselves to be in the right spot in order to catch the really big move. That means sticking with the market LEADERS. The force that powers their spectacular moves is EPS (earnings per share.) If EPS is leaping & bounding Quarter over Quarter and Year over Year coupled with a well constructed chart pattern, and the market is right; well you've got yourself the perfect situation for a BIG MOVE. You want to ride that LEADER until the energy peaks out of it,then step back, and see if it will then set up another nice move in which to surf into some big profits yet again. It's known as William J. O'neil's CANSLIM system, and I know many of traders who will attest to it's effectiveness (yours truly included.) If you have never read How To Make Money In Stocks by William J. O'neil then you are a "neophyte out there playing with seasoned professionals and you ARE going to get hurt." You must always be ready for the market. However, in order to be ready you must be prepared with the BEST knowledge you can get. And the only way I know to do that is follow the teachings of BIG STOCK surfer William J. O'neil & his wonderful publication ( ) Investor's Business Daily. See how I tied that all together!?

Laird is talking about catching a 1st stage base in a market LEADER, right?!? When Charlie asks him "When you think of a great wave,what do you think; opportunity?" Sub in 'trade setup on a market LEADER' for wave, and you'll understand how my mind is working while listening to this. ALWAYS BE PREPARED & ALWAYS BE READY for the OPPORTUNITY!

I own the 4th Edition orange cover book, but the newest release the green cover is one that someone new to this should buy. It just has newer charts from March 2009 market.